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The ho listic haircut



This approach to hair was given to us over 5000 years ago.  It is based on the theory of the 5 elements which are the fundamentals of Chinese medicine.The memories resulting from the collective, the history of your life, your personal or family karma are inscribed at different levels of your being. Situations of conflict, fear, suffering ... can awaken memories buried in our body.

Then discomfort appears as unexplained sadness, anxiety, illness, because of repressed emotions.

The point of this is to become aware of certain confused situations which create energy blockages in us.  By working on them through this session but also by yourself in ways that you feel are the best for you, blockages will be lightened, released and transcended.

la seance

The session

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the ritual

La sexothérapie

un échange, de la bienveillance, des outils, une libération
À Propos
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am i?

My name is Rémi, born in the south of France, I live between Marseille and Sydney.

After 14 years of experience, I like to think of hairdressing as a hobbit, more than a job. Cutting the hair remains a pleasure and a joy.

After participating in various shows and contests in the hairdressing industry, and working with well known artisans, my point of view on hair has evolved. I slowly became interested in the world of wellness and alternative medicine and looked for a way to combine hairdressing with a “holistic” approach to the being. 

I crossed paths with Malika Saint-Tacussel, creator of the concept of the Mnemoénergetique® haircut, an surprising hair-energy fusion. This meeting drastically changed my approach to hair, the client / patient and the beauty industry in general.

En salon, le sujet qui revenait presque systématiquement de la discussion des client.e.s étaient leur vie de couple et leur sexualité. Ce qui n’a fait qu’attiser ma curiosité et ma passion pour ce sujet, et m’a naturellement amené à me spécialiser en sexothérapie.

J’ai donc suivi tout un parcours de plusieurs mois en Tantra avec Jacques Ferber (Tantra intégral). Ensuite, j’ai suivi une spécialisation en sexothérapie avec Alain Heril au centre de formation Intuitive Process (à Anglet, France).

Actuellement je me forme afin d’être Erocoach avec Laura Pynson créatrice du concept des erotypes. Je m’appuie aussi sur mon expérience de vie et tout ce que j’ai pu en tirer.

Tout en gardant à l’esprit que chacun est différent et que nous n’avons pas la même carte du monde, le but est de t’accompagner sur ton chemin pour que tu puisses te trouver, te situer et te comprendre.

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